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The World Wide Web is thirty years old

The World Wide Web is thirty years old

Yesterday or today, little change, is the 30th anniversary of the World Wide Web.
Let's try to think of a world without internet or without WWW, do you succeed?
No Facebook, no Amazon, no purchases or online news ... would the phone be a smartphone?

Our lives would be completely different, I don't know if better or worse, but certainly different.

The thought or vision of a man has had an impact on our world, on our lives, so important, it seems almost impossible looking back at what has been done and how much more we have to do, based on this vision of thirty years ago.

It is also curious to note how the WWW was born right on the machine designed by Steve Jobs, how stories, situations, thoughts and visions are intertwined.

Anecdote: I believe it was the year 2000, a guy, Giuliano,  who worked for the Museum of Science and Technology in Milan, tells me that he is organizing an event to show the computer on which the World Wide Web was born. So, at his invitation, I go to see this computer Next, the machine is turned on and I can try to type and browse the web.
Unfortunately, the browser is very primitive, it is not able to visualize my site, so I type the URL of the image of my site and it appears:
The combination is that the same arrangement is also reported by the newspapers published yesterday. In my photo the marker looks redder, it is fading ...

I made a comment on that ugly sticker stuck and said that maybe it would have been better to take it off to present the beautifully clean computer!
Nooooo you're crazy, that's the value of the computer, Tim Berners-Lee himself wrote it! It was Giuliano's reply.

I give an appointment to everyone in thirty years and we will repeat the situation of the World Wide Web.
If in the meantime you want to leave in the comments with your vision of the future, I'd love to.

Posted by Webmaster : 13/03/2019 11:18:00 | Login to enter your comment |
