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My collection






There are currently 6 models in Crustyasp's collection on a total of 7 computers.

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About me: i started collecting video game consoles and games first, mostly to keep my grandkids from fighting over the xbox and playstation when they visited. computer collecting started when i had the chance to get an adam computer, the second computer i owned. then i started watching kijiji for vintage computers and acquired a kaypro, osborne executive, timex sinclair, ti99. my collecting got a bit out of hand this past spring when i saw this ad : " ontario kijiji ad hundreds of vintage computers, parts and games. i sold the farm; all my computer collection must go. most are from the eighties: ibm, mackintosh, atari, radio shack, among many others. i am not willing to sell individual items; one buyer takes them all: several hundred items. please email any questions. " had to rent a uhaul to bring everything home. pictures of my acquisition may be seen here : :www.theoldcomputer.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=3353 the status on most of these is still unknown as i am renovating a room for a shop and display area. am anxious to complete this area to get to see what works. what doesn't and those that do not work see if they can be made to work.

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