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Symbiotic Systems Inc. (USA)

Visits: 9
Name Stratos
Manufacturer Symbiotic Systems Inc. (USA) Type Desktop
Production start (mm-yyyy) 1981 Production end (mm-yyyy) -
CPU Z80 - Mhz
Operating System CP/M 2.2
Text (Cols x Rows)
Storage memory Floppy 5.25" x 2
Serial port Parallel port
Others port
Original price   Currency original price
Units sold
Note Someone tells me that there was also a model with an 8" dual floppy drive and that the computer pioneered memory mapped video. There was also a prototype with a 5 megabyte hard drive. The case and keyboard (not the buttons) were made out of varnished teakwood. The computer was originally designed for the army and incorporated EM shielding. It was the first computer to ever run a game that is still popular today called Airplanes at the time but is now known as Parachute (which comes with every ipod). It had a font graphics program and a user friendly utility program. The original word processor that came with the machine was called Spellbinder. Another few programs were dBase and Chess...or basically anything that would run in CPM 85% faster than any other CPM computer on the market. Symbiotic systems was eventually bought out by U.S. weather service in 1982, because they needed an EM proof computer. 
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