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Victor Lambda

Micronique (France)

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Visits: 5
Name Victor Lambda Micronique 
Manufacturer Micronique (France) Type Desktop
Production start (mm-yyyy) 1980 Production end (mm-yyyy) -
RAM 16Kb ROM 2Kb
CPU 8080A - 2 Mhz
Operating System
Text (Cols x Rows) 17 x 12 8 colours
Graphics 113 x 77 4 colors from one palette of 8.
Sound 1 channel, 4 octaves
Storage memory Tape
Serial port Parallel port
Others port Joystick x 2, RGB
Original price   Currency original price
Units sold
Note In fact, the Victor Lambda are an Interact Family Computer Model One. This computer is made in 1979 by Interact Electronics (USA), and firstly sold in France by Lambda System under the name of Victor Lambda.
Later, in December of 1981 Lambda System become part of Micronique 
Configurations They are three versions:
  1. The first version is black, with a poor keyboard type calculator.
  2. The second version is white, and the same poor keyboard.
  3. The third version use a mechanical keyboard, the same one used in the following versions
It does not have any language integrated in the ROM. The BASIC (or another language) must be loaded from the cassette. 
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