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BBC Model B Plus

Acorn (United Kingdom)

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Visits: 7
Name BBC Model B Plus Acorn 
Manufacturer Acorn (United Kingdom) Type Desktop
Production start (mm-yyyy) 1985 Production end (mm-yyyy) -
RAM 64Kb or 128Kb ROM 32Kb
CPU 6502A - 2Mhz Mhz
Operating System
Text (Cols x Rows) 40x25, 2 colours
Graphics 8 possible modes
Sound 3 channels of sound (SN76489)
Storage memory
Serial port Parallel port one
Others port BBC High Speed Bus connector Tube expansion connector User port Floppy port Joystick or mouse port Econet port Tape recorder connector TV output (RF modulator) Composite video output RGB monitor connector RS-423 serial port
Original price   Currency original price 0 ST
Units sold
User MATTO68

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