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Primo A

Microkey Kft (Hungary)

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Visits: 7
Name Primo A Microkey Kft 
Manufacturer Microkey Kft (Hungary) Type Desktop
Production start (mm-yyyy) 1984 Production end (mm-yyyy) -
RAM 16Kb ROM 16Kb
CPU U808 - 3,75 Mhz
Operating System BASIC
Text (Cols x Rows) 42x16
Graphics 256x192@ black & white
Sound One channel sound generator
Storage memory Tape Interface
Serial port Parallel port
Others port
Original price   Currency original price
Units sold 6000
Note Only 6000 units built.
The CPU U808 made in the GDR, is a clone of the >Zilog Z-80.
The exist a lot of empty space on the motherboard. There was developed some I/O connection on the motherboard, but not imlemented in the A series.
The keyboard are like the one of the ZX-81: touch sensitive keyboard
Configurations They exist three different versions:
  • Primo A-32: 16Kb RAM and 16Kb ROM.
  • Primo A-48: 32Kb RAM and 16Kb ROM.
  • Primo A-64: 48Kb RAM and 16Kb ROM.
User juanvm

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