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TEI PT Series

Texas Electronic Instruments Inc. (TEI) (USA)

Previous: TEI 3450/3470
Visits: 3
Name TEI PT Series Texas Electronic Instruments Inc. (TEI) 
Manufacturer Texas Electronic Instruments Inc. (TEI) (USA) Type Desktop
Production start (mm-yyyy) Production end (mm-yyyy) -
RAM 60Kb + 2Kb video RAM ROM 2Kb
CPU 8080 - 2 Mhz
Operating System CP/M
Text (Cols x Rows) 80 x 24 integral video 15"
Storage memory Floppy 8" 241Kb external single density
Serial port 3 serial ports (two used by keyboard, 1 for keys and 1 for LED's/push-buttons, one serial port for printer) Parallel port
Others port
Original price   Currency original price
Units sold
Note The keyboard has 8 push on push off pushbuttons and 8 LED's addressed at port 0FFh to match Altair/Imsai sense switches. 
Configurations The cards that did this:
8080 - CPU card.
16K memory card.
16K memory card.
16K memory card.
16K memory card with 4K disabled on one card.
Floppy disk controller card with boot ROM on it.
Video card with 2K RAM.
3S+P I/O card (no not 3P+S from processor tech, just a stolen idea/name)
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