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BBC Master 128

Acorn (United Kingdom)

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Visits: 11
Name BBC Master 128 Acorn 
Manufacturer Acorn (United Kingdom) Type Desktop
Production start (mm-yyyy) 1986 Production end (mm-yyyy) -
RAM 128Kb ROM 128Kb
CPU 65C12 - 2 Mhz
Operating System
Text (Cols x Rows) 20x32, 20x32x8, 40x25x2, 40x25x8, 40x32, 40x32x4, 80x25x2, 80x32x2
Graphics 160x256x4, 160x256x8, 320x256x2, 320x256x4, 640x256x2
Sound 3 channles SN76489
Storage memory Cassette - Floppy
Serial port Parallel port
Others port Analogue Joystick/Mouse, BBC High Speed Bus, Composite video, Econet, Floppy, Parallel, RGB, RS-423, TV output, Tape recorder, Tube expansion, User port
Original price   Currency original price 0
Units sold
Configurations The Master was initially launched as four different models: 128, 512, ET and Turbo. The Compact was added to the range 6 months later.
The Master had two cartridge slots, built in floppy drive controller, Advanced DFS (ADFS), DFS (with 1770 drive controller), VIEW word processor, BBC BASIC IV, bigger keyboard (with keypad), and was based on the newer 65C12 processor.
The basic machine, the 128, had 128K of RAM. The 512 had 512K of RAM and an Intel internal co-processor, and the Turbo had a 65C12 internal co-processor.
As it was a direct replacement for the BBC, most hardware, and software, was still compatible.  
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