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Amstrad (United Kingdom)

Previous: CPC 664 Next: Mega PC 386 sx
Visits: 2
Name CPC-5512 Amstrad 
Manufacturer Amstrad (United Kingdom) Type Desktop
Production start (mm-yyyy) 7 - 1985 Production end (mm-yyyy) -
RAM 512 kb ROM 48 kb
CPU Z80A - 4 Mhz Mhz
Operating System basic
Text (Cols x Rows) 20x25 in 16 colors, 40x25 in 4 colors, 80x25 in 2 colors
Graphics 200x160 in 16 colors, 320x200 in 4 colors, 640x200 in 2 colors
Sound 3 voices, 6 octaves + 1 channel for white noise
Storage memory 5''1/4 FDD
Serial port 1 Parallel port 1
Others port 1 x joystick (Atari standard), Tape interface, Monitor, External FDD, Expansion port, Headphone/Sound output, MIDI port
Original price   Currency original price
Units sold
Note This model has never been existed. But we can keep track of it for historical reason. Seems that a french magazinie "Hebdogiciel" published on his june number a picture with this invented computer. AMSTRAD brought them to court, the 6128 sells stopped suddenly! :-) 

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