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Old computers brochures (10.629)

Our huge archive of old computer brochures.

Memorex Corp. - Permanent link

Memorex Corp. - Group dynamics and the 3270-compatible marketplace.
Group dynamics and the 3270-compatible marketplace.
Thanks to Fred our friend Fred in the US

Memorex Corp. - In the 3270 marketplace, the choice is clear.
In the 3270 marketplace, the choice is clear.
From our Friend Julian in the USA

Memorex Corp. - 3652 Disc Storage Subsystem
3652 Disc Storage Subsystem
1981 (English)
Thanks to Charles Schwab

Memorex Corp. - One thing's for certaln in the plug-compatible marketplace: today, Memorex is...
One thing's for certaln in the plug-compatible marketplace: today, Memorex is...
1985 (English)
Thanks to our friend Richard in the US

Memorex Corp. - A box is a box is a box
A box is a box is a box
1987 (English)
Thanks to Mark Brennan