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Old computers brochures (10.981)

Our huge archive of old computer brochures.

Intergraph - Permanent link

Intergraph - Big on functionality
Big on functionality
Thanks to Mark Brennan

Intergraph - If you think all workstaåons are pretty much alike, you've got another think coming.
If you think all workstaåons are pretty much alike, you've got another think coming.
Thanks to Mark Brennan

Intergraph - Intergraph introduces the InterPro 32C
Intergraph introduces the InterPro 32C
Thanks to our friend Richard in the US

Intergraph - Solid Modeling Clear and Simple
Solid Modeling Clear and Simple
Thanks to Mark Brennan

Intergraph - The choice is obvious ... Windows NT, Intel and of course, TDZ
The choice is obvious ... Windows NT, Intel and of course, TDZ
Thanks to Mark Brennan

Intergraph - We're standard, but we stand apart.
We're standard, but we stand apart.
Thanks to Mark Brennan

Intergraph - Put the heavyweight on your list
Put the heavyweight on your list
1985 (English)
Thanks to Mark Brennan

Intergraph - Backgrounder
1989 - 2 (English)
Thanks to our friend Julian from juliansbooks.com

Intergraph - The Intergrapfh Clipper family
The Intergrapfh Clipper family
1989 - 4 (English)
Thanks to our friend Julian from juliansbooks.com

Intergraph - Third-party software addes ro Intergraph's workstation and server poertfolio
Third-party software addes ro Intergraph's workstation and server poertfolio
1989 - 11 (English)
Thanks to our friend Julian from juliansbooks.com

Intergraph - Integrated technocal computing in an integrated world economy
Integrated technocal computing in an integrated world economy
1990 (English)
Thanks to Mark Brennan

Intergraph - Intergraph. Because you need confidence in your network
Intergraph. Because you need confidence in your network
1991 (English)
Thanks to Mark Brennan

Intergraph - The CAD standard of excellence
The CAD standard of excellence
1991 (English)
Thanks to Mark Brennan

Intergraph - Out-of-this-world graphics have landed on the Intel Platform
Out-of-this-world graphics have landed on the Intel Platform
1994 (English)
Thanks to our friend Richard in the US

Intergraph - Powerful but personal
Powerful but personal
1994 (English)
Thanks to our friend Richard in the US

Intergraph - Powerful but personal
Powerful but personal
1994 (English)
Thanks to our friend Richard in the US

Intergraph - When your computing needs have you reaching in two directions...
When your computing needs have you reaching in two directions...
1994 (English)
Thanks to Mark Brennan

Intergraph - Our integration Softwaæ Shares Files on any platform you use. Well, almost.
Our integration Softwaæ Shares Files on any platform you use. Well, almost.
1995 (English)
Thanks to Mark Brennan

Intergraph - Our integration software shares files on any platform you use
Our integration software shares files on any platform you use
1995 (English)
Thanks to Mark Brennan

Intergraph - PowerRas
1996 (English)
Thanks to our friend Richard in the US

Intergraph - The first Intel Windows NT system for SoftImage3D
The first Intel Windows NT system for SoftImage3D
1996 (English)
Thanks to Mark Brennan

Intergraph - Intergrapfh corporation boosts performance
Intergrapfh corporation boosts performance
1998 - 10 (English)
Thanks to our friend Julian from juliansbooks.com